Monday was the first day in a couple weeks that I could really span an octive on the piano! So I spent a while playing the piano. I've been playing ever since the day of my surgery, but hymns are a lot easier whenever I can span an octive with my left hand. I also jumped off the stage (yes, same stage) and was able to reach around and up and touch the basketball rim in mid-air. No, I did not try grabbing on.
...I really don't know why I spent ~350 words describing me tripping.
Me neither :-) -- except that some immediate family members would've appreciated the connection to an earlier incident. Anyway, he bruised his knee good falling down some concrete stairs.
Your friendly editor is on vacation in UT w/ Ariana (it's her "Daddy Trip"), so I'm going to be pretty lazy on editing.
This week got more interesting as it progressed.
Monday, I spent a while on the computer filling out FAFSA stuff.
Tuesday, both of our lessons fell through (which is more normal than not). We spent an hour and a half talking with this lady named Miss Ridgelle. A couple of her grandkids were over (both toddler age) and apparently normally they do not like strangers; usually they cry and hide whenever someone comes over. But they were both playing happily in the room while we were talking, and by the end of the visit, I *almost* got the younger one to give me a fist bump (the older one was happy to do it though).
Tuesday evening, all the missionaries in our district went with the youth and sang Christmas Carols at a nursing home.
Thursday was Christmas. No, wait, it was Halloween. No? Still not right? Let's see. Oh yes, it must have been Columbus Day, because we celebrated people coming over to America from Europe, and Columbus did just that. I talked with this family who seems to be insane for the most part. Not to go into details, but the parents seem to have forced two of their kids to move to Idaho, where they were starving. Perhaps it was the plethora of children; I counted at least ten or eleven, plus some other relatives in the household. Maybe they thought that by sending a couple of their kids away, they would have some more resources to take care of their children still at home.