Email 66

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

Toosday, sorry, Twosday, (Tewsday?) was full of The Woes of Elder Boling.

Some of the woes:

  • He hit his 15 month mark (well down the back side of the hill).
  • The city's boil advisory was lifted -- in time for his apartment complex water to be shut off again. At least he wasn't in the middle of a shower!
  • no water = no clean dishes = unpleasant lunch
  • He cut his thumb on...the skin of an onion that he was peeling.
  • He banged his head getting into a car, then rode with his head crammed against a very low ceiling.

He also observed the universal problem of missionaries -- or anyone else who wears nice clothes, or stands too straight, or looks too happy, or isn't confused enough:

no matter where we are, people assume that we work there....people come up to us as if we worked there and ask us questions. Thursday, we were at Walmart, and this guy came up to us and asked us to watch his cart while he went and used the restroom....I can not figure out how someone can mix up a missionary's uniform with a Walmart employee's uniform.

This week's project: Scripture maintenance!

As a result of a childhood of treating my scriptures like a baseball bat or a basketball, there were a lot of pages torn out. And as a result of not being as precise as I should have been when gluing in the pages over the years, they haven't all been as perfectly aligned as they should have been. Which meant the little margins sticking out everywhere, getting torn up, folded, wrinkled, made my scriptures look like they had tried go through a food processor. So I took a pair of scissors and trimmed a sizeable pile of paper off of the pages that were sticking out. And now my scriptures look like someone actually takes care of them.

He offered more comments regarding the "Book of Mormon-ese" of Email 64:

If you didn't catch the slight Book of Mormon dialect in the last sentence ("And now..."), I am pointing it out to you....As funny as it is, that is kind of natural for me now - when I type something, it tends to have BOM dialect in there. When I'm writing my weekly emails, I often have to go back after I've written something and take out the BOM dialect and "fix" it.
Yes, perhaps there is a point where someone reads the BOM too much...





Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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