Web site update!

Written by Charles Boling - - 1 comment

"Version 0" of the missionary website is finally history. Enjoy a new clean look and fresh functionality.

Click Alexander's name in the menu bar above for information about his mission and how to contact him.

This page will always show a summary of the most recent posts; click the "Read more..." link on a post to see the entire article, including pictures.

All previous content has been copied into a new lightweight content management system and enhanced; it's worth your while to go back and re-examine previous articles so you can see the pictures, etc.


The new site offers features such as automatic organization of articles by month, the ability for you to add your own comments to an article, and to view all articles or only those for a particular missionary (which will be more useful once we have multiple missionaries in the field at the same time!)

RSS feeds

Why continually visit the web site to check for updates? Use one of the RSS links on the bottom or right side of the window to subscribe to the RSS feed, and you'll always be informed automatically when new articles appear.

If you do not [want to] use an RSS reader, but still want to be informed when new articles are posted, email me (Charles) and I'll add you to a notification mailing list. For now I'll be emailing the list manually, so please forgive me if I miss an update.

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

1 comment

#1  - Charles Boling said :

Oops! Sorry about the missing pictures. The website went live with a different address & directory structure than it had when I authored it, and it broke some of the references to pictures and other objects.


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