Email 99

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

Not too much interesting to report this week. Several appts. fell through, requiring changes of plans and clothes.

This week's interesting meal was eaten w/ a single sister at the church building. Food was, as his companion described it, “chaotic” - there were fries from McDonalds, burgers from Burger King, Chili dogs from Sonic, Blue Bell ice cream from Walmart, and strawberries from who knows where.

Friday was the last District Council of the transfer, and Matthew got to play his tradtional minor ultra-sad-sounding rendition of "God be with you" for himself and two others.

When Matthew came into the area he had been promised that he would speak in sacrament mtg his last Sunday, but the stake president, his son, and his daughter-in-law visited and they spoke instead, preempting the previous plans. Matthew led the music instead.

His next email will be written while he's traveling home.

His eraser sculpture

Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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