Email 60: Skipping Turtles

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

National weather summary for this weekend:

Kalama: Wondering if you will need to use the wood stove
Rexburg: Snowing
Houston: The bishopric takes off their suitcoats because it's too warm.


Last P-day his zone had a Spikeball (Roundnet) tournament. Possibly his first time to play, and he had a lot of fun.

More adventures in a lovely apartment complex:

we were going finding in a particular apartment complex. This big tattooed rough looking guy pulled up and said that we should be really careful around there because it wasn’t safe. We hear that every time we go to the Redford apartments, so we didn’t think much of it. I told Elder Carman “If God wants us to go back, then he will tell us”. In not too long, we came across a group of police officers doing something in a parking lot. Three of them come over to us and asked if we were spreading the Word, then basically told us to turn around and leave the complex because it wasn’t safe, and because us being young men made us “easy targets”. We decided that was God’s way of telling us to leave, so we left.

Matthew won a copy of "Dracula" at the Presbyterian dinner/Halloween party, and is trying to figure out what to do with it.

Perhaps I can get church headquarters to put it on Gospel Library...

At one of his dinner appts, he took up the challenge to beat the missionary record for the most pork rolls eaten, and succeeded w/ 11 of them in addition to his rice.

Among this week's pictures:

306 [Motion picture]: We found a dead turtle by the side of a lake, and I skipped it


Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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