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Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

Because Monday was Columbus Day, P-day was moved to Tuesday.

Tuesday was transfers. Elder Alohan and I went to the Broadway chapel at 7:30 am to say goodbye to those missionaries who were being transfered. Then we went to the Pasadena chapel so that another set of Elders could take Elder Alohan to the Atascocita chapel. When we all got there, we found no other missionaries at the Pasadena chapel. Because the other Elders had to leave right then, they called another set of Elders to come over to the chapel. As a result, I was there by myself for about fifteen minutes. Normally, that wouldn't be anything strange. But as a missionary who always has to be within sight and sound of a companion, that was the first time I was alone in over a year.
...five hours, a nap, and lots of piano playing later, my new companion, Elder Carman finally showed up. He is from Payson Utah, loves cars (especially BMW's), likes doing tricks on scooters and BMX bikes, has a small family (four younger siblings), and likes American food (unlike Elder Alohan).

Speaking of food, he has a pretty regular schedule:

Every Tuesday our district has dinner at Elder and Sister Wood's apartment (they are the senior missionary couple).
Every Wednesday, we have dinner at a Presbyterian church (the same one that we've helped out with a food truck).
Every Thursday, we have lunch with Sister Stanton, an elderly ward member.
Every Sunday, all four sets of Elders in Broadway (Spanish and English) have dinner at Sister Rodriguez's house.

Oh yes, that's right, he's back in the city:

there's also this super sketchy apartment complex we go to a couple times a week or so. Every time we go over, we hear about someone else that was robbed or killed at the complex within the last couple of days. It also happens that we usually go there after dark. You sometimes do fun things as a missionary.



Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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