Week 52: Hump Day

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

Yes, today is my one year mark. I was set apart on August 29, 2021.

Tuesday was transfers.

Because the Elders who were picking me up both had their stuff with them, there wasn't room for my stuff in the car, and I had to send my stuff with the Cleveland Sisters. When we got to the Atascocita chapel, I transfered my stuff from the Sister's car to the car that was going to Broadway. I rode with a couple of other Elders to the Broadway chapel, where I met with my new companion, Elder Alohan. Elder Alohan is originally from Nigeria, but moved to Orem about four years ago. Of the 26 dialects in Nigeria, he speaks four. There are 36 states in Nigeria, so most of the states speaks a different language from each other. The universal language there is Pidgin English.

He spent some time mitigating ant and mold infestations in his new apartment, and getting screws removed from their car tire. His place is very close to the Hobby airport., so of course he sent us a video of a plane landing.

His new ward has a low activity rate -- maybe 10% -- and needs a lot of records clean-up to address people who have moved away.


Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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