Email 50: More fishing

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

Men, Elder. You're supposed to be fishers of men....

I think Matthew's going to have his fill of fishing by the time he leaves his current companion.

On P-day, a brother took them fishing:

After we had been fishing for a while, Brother Roberts, who is in pretty poor health, can hardly walk, and has two bad shoulders, fell into one of the lakes. We ran in and got his head above the water. It wasn’t really deep; we were right next to the bank, and it only went down about two feet where we were. But we had to help this 250 lb guy who couldn’t really use his arms or legs up out of the water. And the bottom of the lake was super muddy; Elder Broadbent and I were either sliding farther into the lake, or sinking deeper into the mud. It took us a few minutes to figure out how to get him up and out. We couldn't just pull him by his arms, because of his bad shoulders. What worked best was planting our feet into the mud, trying to get them pretty stuck, then Brother Roberts was able to put his feet against our feet and push himself up the bank a little at a time. That was the second-closest I've gotten to swimming on my mission; the first was baptizing that paralyzed guy in the swimming pool.

Thursday they did exchanges, and the two companionships went fishing early in the morning before they started the day's work.  Going to another area for the day also subjected lucky Matthew to two apartment inspections on consecutive days! (The 2nd one wasn't his, so nothing to worry about there, eh?)

Good news: They had a baptism.  Bad news: After battling w/ a ward clerk that didn't want to be bother finding out *why* he was getting errors on paperwork submission, they finally found out that they guy's already a church member!  Matthew described a slightly creepy experience they had Sunday afternoon with some guy on a golf cart aggressively following them around in a gated community. Instead of stopping to talk to him, they shook him & left.

Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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