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Written by Charles Boling - - no comments
I got a suprise videochat from Elder Slavens and Elder Shaw. Elder Slavens is currently at BYU, and he said that y'all should have visited him there while on vacation in Idaho....taking a detour to Logan is one thing, while taking a detour to Provo is another thing.
We had a lesson with our most progressing [couple.] We discovered that the missionaries in the past have focused too much on [him] and not enough on [her], so [she] was kind of left in the dust. [He's] ready for Baptism, and [she] still has a long way to go. Hopefully [he'll] be baptized in the next couple of weeks. [The bishop also married the couple this week, in preparation for baptism.]
...we went up to a couple ladies that were sitting outside their house, and started talking with them. They were both drunk, and one of them was trying to flirt with me. It was weird....
We also visited Lake Livingston, because Elder Broadbent is obsessed with fishing and wanted to go check the fishing conditions out there.
A couple of days of service: back to the food bank, where he cleaned about 6 huge mice out of a pipe in the parking lot; and digging in rocky soil to bury a lady's dog fence.
Friday was Zone Conference. Normally, we have car inspections beforehand, but I couldn't find the clipboard to mark stuff on! I searched the tub of clipboards three times, but I couldn't find it. Right before Zone Conference started, Elder Franklin (the assistant vehicle coordinator) found it. So we didn't get a free pass after all, and had to do the inspection afterwards.