Email 39: Transfers

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

Is he moving or staying?

Mathew said

Sunday, the transfer board came out.... My new companion is Elder Runia.

but mentioned nothing about going to a new area, making me assume that he was staying.  However, he later said:

Monday, I packed a little bit

Earlier in the week, he interviewed someone else's investigator for baptism, then Saturday they brought one their own to said baptism. That was more encouraging than their bible study earlier in the day, where none of the nonmembers showed up and they just studied w/ the member they'd invited.

Matthew was inconvenience by the "no phones in the restroom" policy for missionaries, when he was on the john at Taco Bell and the lights went out.

Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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