Email 35

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

P-day, the district's outdoor tennis & such was interrupted by a Texas downpour. Hard to get the balls to bounce right on an inch of water, so they went to a church building to finish and dry out.

Matthew's new companion uses music for an alarm clock. Lacking a "real" alarm, Matthew enjoyed the music and snoozed for half an hour on Friday before he finally realized what happened. He also slept through a smoke alarm going off one night. That's what happens when you grew up sharing the room with many brothers of all ages; nothing bothers you if you need sleep.

Saturday evening was spent collecting weekly district data.

His stake president must really value missionary work / missionaries; every month he holds a "break the fast" meal for the ward mission leaders and FT missionaries in the stake, to discuss the work in each area and to answer any questions (Matthew says that he has super doctrinal/scriptural knowledge). This week he discussed his favorite temples.

The landlord (member of mission presidency) is gone for a week, and some lady's house sitting, so the missionaries can't just go in & out of the main house any time they want. They're allowed in to eat breakfast and collect what food they may need for the rest of the day.

Lots of Matthews picture either focus on astronomical objects or bugs & other critters. He has plenty of both right now.

Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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