Off to Denver!

Written by Charles Boling - - 1 comment
Happy new year! This morning Alexander left the MTC, shuttled back to SLC and made the short hop over the mountains to DEN, ready to begin the "boots on the ground" (literally, since it's winter) part of his mission in Colorado. Denver itself has been enjoying a bit of mild weather, but we'll have to wait to see what it's like in his first assigned area.

From an email:

So far, only one bad thing has happened, and that is that I lost my shoulder bag at the MTC. I checked at the lost and found, and they hadn't seen it. So sometime soon out in the mission field, I should receive a package with the shoulder bag, along with the stuff in it...

Other than that, nothing very bad has happened at the MTC. I loved every bit of it, and Iearned so much!

In addition to his journal, scriptures, study materials & misc. supplies, the bag had his Bluetooth keyboard, so the brevity of his emails may increase for a bit. :-(

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

1 comment

#1  - Deloris Boling said :

So you are entering phase two of your mission. I remember a visit to a distant relative who lived in Denver. That was in 1954 but I still remember the climb in altitude. Glad you like your new companion, that makes things much nicer. Happy 2020 and I'll be thinking and praying for you every day.
Grandma Boling


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