Email 24: Wood, rough & finished

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

Wood-themed service projects this week:

On Tuesday, Elder Cabiness and I went over to the Browning's house (branch member) and helped clean up some of the sticks from some felled trees. Brother Browning had nine oak trees felled for various reasons, and he needed help clearing away all the branches and sticks. As a missionary, I'm not allowed to use a chainsaw (which is disappointing), but I could use clippers and haul branches to a pile by the street. It felt so natural running around (sometimes literally running) on and among the piles of felled trees.


On Saturday, Elder Cabiness and I went and helped SHP build beds. SHP (Sleep in Heavenly Peace) is a non-profit organization that builds beds for children who don't have a bed. That Saturday morning, I spent three and a half hours sanding lumber. Fortunately, I had an electric sander, so I didn't kill my arm sanding by hand, but there were eight or so of us, sanding indoors for three and a half hours. Which was the cause for a thick coating of sawdust everywhere.

Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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