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Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

Matthew's soliciting more interesting subject lines...

Empty electrical boxes in the walls are a fine place to find treasures and leave some for future missionaries to find. Notes (standalone or treasure hunts), food, toys -- all were things that were exchanged last Saturday in Matthew's dorm hall.

Matthew told us about some of his meetings, lessons, and activities, and noted their last day with one of their teachers who they love so much.  They sometimes get to teach non-missionaries -- either a "real" non-member investigator or a member playing the role, though they're never told which it is ahead of time.

Sunday was his busiest day of the week, with no breaks in the schedule. Every P-day they get to attend the temple.

He shared pictures ranging from the night sky to his district and other people to...odd things.

Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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