Official Email #9

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

Only half a week since the last email, so Elder Boling's email was shorter.

He said that he's going to miss his mission president's wife, Sis. Savage, a powerful woman.

I've heard that during Stake conference, when Sister Savage is speaking, it's fun to watch the shocked looks on the Stake President's face. Kind of like Jeffrey R. Holland, except even more fire. She has a LOT of confidence. Everyone is going to miss her when she is released. 
    Do you understand yet, or do I need to send you a video of her criticizing us? :D
He also warned Matthew:
Be careful of the MTC food. Some of it is very rich, and it took me almost a transfer to recover from it.
A couple more tidbits:
We're teaching a really nice older couple that are planning for a large trip, and they were looking for good places to visit. I refered them to
    So far, I love it here, and I love Elder Koopmans. He is awesome and we get along really well together. He has been out on his mission for eight months, and has been on a bike his whole mission up to now. He is from St. George, and has never driven in the snow before. I'm planning on teaching him sometime.

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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