Email 87
Written by Charles Boling - - no comments
Monday, we went frisbee golfing. I lost one of Elder Lundell's discs in the water. No big suprise there; whenever I went frisbee golfing last time I was in Spring, my disc would almost alway somehow make it into the water.
...we went to TLC [Teaching Like Christ training].... Since we didn't particularly feel like biking in suits for a few hours to get there, we had to get permission from President Larkin to be allowed to ride with the Hermanas. Normally, Elders and Sisters can't ride by themselves in the same car, but they were the only other missionaries in the zone that were going...
He noted another flat bike tire, this one without a quick-release hub so requiring the borrowing of tools. Only two nosebleeds this week.
...I kept a daily log of how many miles we biked, and this transfer (six weeks), we biked 409.2 miles.
Elder Stormwalker is going to Broadway 1 North. Same ward as my fifth area, but different area within the ward (I was in the south). My new companion is Elder Schreiter. He will my first companion that I actually know. All of my other companions I had never met beforehand.