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Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

Guess what we did this week!

If you guessed "stayed healthy", you're wrong!

They got in a little actual missionary work this week, but it wasn't, for the most part, encouraging:

Tuesday was one of those days that we didn't use the car, but just biked everywhere. We biked to a lesson in the evening. This guy just wanted to bash us and demand physical evidence for the Book of Mormon. He also took ten minutes each time he wanted to ask a question. Huge time waster for us.

Matthew's famous nosebleeds finally hit, and his companion got a debilitating sinus infection for several days, finally getting some prescriptions yesterday so he can hopefully get some sleep and start to function again.

This week's experiment was making pancakes w/ Power-Aid drink. That wasn't nasty enough, so they finally tried teriyaki sauce...

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Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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