Email 74: Tornado

Written by Charles Boling - - no comments

(Note the late addition of the rameumpton pic to last week's article.)

Monday, a few companionships in the area went to Sheldon park to take a walk and climb an observation tower.

Tuesday was a day of everything falling through.

The six of us Elders in the district were going to have lunch of the ward members. Except that the brakes went out in his truck, so that didn't happen.

We had a lesson scheduled at 1:30 with Javier. Right as we pulled up, we got a message from the Zone Leaders saying that because of a Tornado Warning, all of the missionaries were to return to their apartments and shelter there until 6pm. We decided to go to this lesson first, then head back to our apartment. When we got there, Javier said that he was just heading out to go to the store, and that we would have to reschedule.

In the evening, we had a lesson with someone else. But when we got there, she said that she was heading out to go to the store. By this time, Elder Jensen was feeling kind of sick (head cold), so we went back to the apartment and stayed there for the rest of the evening.

It was windy where they were, but they saw no funnels in their area Tuesday.

His companion was sick the rest of the week. Matthew caught it Thursday, though not as bad.

Saturday, still sick, Matthew managed to sweet-talk the APs (one of whom was his MTC companion) into letting him drive to Deer Park (SE of him, and out of his zone) to see the tornado damage, and actually accomplished some missionary work while he was there:

I took a couple of pictures. Then we went to go take a short walk at a park, when a lady who was walking her dog called out to us and asked if we were missionaries. Apparently she used to meet with missionaries where she used to live, but then moved here, and wanted to meet with them again. So we got her contact information and gave it to the missionaries who cover that area.

Matthew's talent for breaking things continues... Curiosity about the ceiling fan in their living room got the best of him, and when he was through the lights no longer worked.  He "was washing a frying pan in the sink, and somehow bent the frying pan to where it was no longer circular and didn't sit flat anymore." *sigh*

Classified in : Matthew - Tags : none

Charles is a full-time father and part-time proxy missionary blogger...

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